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Dear Prudent Political-Economist Editor,

As I read the head, synopsis, cutline and the first paragraph of your economist-leader opinion, considering your uncompromising zeal and commitment to the cause of citizens and democracy, growth and economic-political-social development of the country defined through your journalistic leadership in esteemed The Economic Times, IMPRI, a think tank for proactive, independent, non-partisan, and policy-based research in New Delhi & other reputed forums, I must write that the lily-livered cabinet, Government of India and fellow JNUite(your junior), Ms Nirmala Sitharaman, the Finance Minister of India neither understand economics nor seek advice of most prudent Political-Economist Editor like you and others in 2022.

Thus, the FM of India and our PM disgracefully and foolishly continue to cheat us/citizens by playing politics in place of practicing economics of high standard.

Also, the manner in which massive amounts of money, time, and energy is wasted in missteps and misgovernance with propaganda results in unavoidable disasters ie; extended slowdown in economic activities.

I must reiterate the fact that this is not the first time you explained inflation from an economic perspective! If I as an ordinary reader can understand lucid explanations of how inflation works, how to contain inflation with macroeconomic management etc, why can't the FM make an effort to understand the huge losses we citizens have from such faulty economic policies?

I assert my point, 'all knowledgeable, rational, well-aware and democratic persons know our PM having a degree in entire Political Science does not understand E of Economics'.

Here comes the main point, under 'Some like it Hot' head, the second paragraph reflects terrible uncertainty and indecision even if Modi and his coward Ministers attempt to signal voters that the Govt is at work.

Ultimately, the most reliable & apt advice stated in the last two concluding paragraphs questioning the Govt of India's incapacity to act, to subsume fuel taxes into the GST and give a fair chance to revenue collection and help industry consumers seems like a distant reality.

Thank you for writing and highlighting time and again, the colossal failure of the Government of India, 'Think long-term, act short-term' in the case of monetary and fiscal policy under the worst economic and financial crisis of India opinion placed with your ever smiling, bright picture in the IMPRI document and firstly, in The Economic Times newspaper.

And here, the image has these colourful, emoji balloons with smiley expression conveying the message of politics at work further ruining the economy hugely infected by disordered uses of power, lust and greed under PM Modi's leadership.

Your ordinary, well-informed reader and creative soul,


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